Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mila Kunis Poses In Her Undies For GQ Magazine...

Mila Kunis isn't only hot, hilarious, talented, charitable (did you hear she's going on blind date with a U.S. Marine?) but she also makes a girl jealous at the simple fact that she can look so damn good drinking an iced coffee.

The Friends with Benefits star shed some clothes for the July 19 issue of GQ magazine and opened up about being used to working with guys and feels at home with their dick jokes:
"Put me at a table with five guys making dick jokes and I will be right there with them. And, uh, I'm on Family Guy. I've been on that show for so long that I don't get grossed out by anything. But I've never had an experience where it's been a bunch of dudes making dick jokes and I was like, "Oh, there go the boys. I'm going to go get a pedicure and be back in an hour."
Now that's my kind of lady!

Mila also claims her dad is one of the funniest guys she knows, even though he has a very dry sense of humor.  And when it comes to the topic of being 'friends with benefits' she says:
It’s like communism — good in theory, in execution it fails. Friends of mine have done it, and it never ends well. Why do people put themselves through that torture?” she says.“But friends with benefits isn’t a purely sexual relationship — it’s two people who like each other having sex, not a random hookup. And when two people who like each other have sex, eventually someone catches feelings and everything is [expletive]. You might be able to treat our relationship as killing time. I might not. I may be in love with you.
The 27-year-old actress says it isn't easy being a woman comedian in the business and being attractive doesn't help any either. She claims she's happily single at the moment and adds:
I wouldn’t dare wish myself upon anybody at this point in my life,” she said.”My shooting schedule is crazy. I’m a nomad till January.

source / photo via

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