Friday, July 1, 2011

Baby Drama: Selma Hayek's Husband Fathered Linda Evangelista's Son!

It's true...Salma Hayek's billionaire husband, Francois-Henri Pinault, fathered model Linda Evangelista's son!

According to the New York Post, news that the French billionaire is indeed the father of Evangelista's 4-year-old son, Augustin 'Augie' James, came to light when she went to family court to try to figure out a child support agreement.

Francois and Salma began dating in 2006 but it wasn't all smooth sailing for the couple because they took a small break, which is exactly when Francois and Evangelista conceived the child. Evangelista's son was born in October 2006, and she refused to name the father at the time. Meanwhile, Salma Hayek and Francois's daughter Valentina was born in September 2007.

Francois and Salma were married in 2009. Francois-Henri Pinualt, is the CEO of the $28 billion fashion group that owns Gucci, Bottega Veneta and Yves St. Laurent...aka: he's fucking rich!

Unfortunately, no agreement could be reached in regards to the child support so it looks like they'll be headed for a support trial in the fall.

Sucks for Salma. I mean, I know they were on a "break" (which totally brings me back to Ross & Rachel days, ha ha) but I don't think you ever expect your boyfriend to get a chick pregnant during that time, maybe a few make-out sessions or a {safe sex} fling but not a kid.

I would also like to add that Evangelista's son looks more like a little girl than Salma's daughter...he needs a hair cut. That. Is. All.

news source / photo 1 source / photo 2 source

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