Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Zach Galifianakis Talks Shit On Ke$ha, Sean Penn & Bad Parents!

'Hangover II' start Zach Galifianakis is not known for being the shy guy...nope. He tells it like it is and that's why we all love him (I know I do).

You can catch the bearded actor on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine on June 17 and read about how he went up to Ke$ha and told her her music sucked and also how he turned down a role offered by Sean Penn by telling him he had better things to eating at Arby's. LOL!

It's all true, I'm not making this stuff up. He tells Rolling Stone that Ke$ha once contacted him about getting together for a drink and several days later he ran into the singer at a bar:
"She was sitting by herself, and I walked up to her and said, 'Listen, I got your e-mail. Your music is really bad! I don't know who listens to it, but I imagine it's, like, six-year-olds -- and it's a bad message.'"

And as much as he loves his younger fans, when 'little kids' approach him to tell him how much they love him in 'The Hangover' he tells them that they have awful parents - "And I mean it," he adds.

Sean Penn isn't safe from his slams either. The actor actually told Academy Award winner that he couldn't talk because he had an appointment at Arby's and to "send my Jews the script" when offered a role in 'Into the Wild'. He's ballsy right?

But fame hasn't gotten to his head, in fact he's not even that comfortable with it.
"I’m terrible about people wanting to take pictures with me,” he says. “I’m a giant baby about it. They treat you like a cartoon. There’s nothing you can do except make light of it. That’s if I’m in the mood – sometimes I get superbummed.”
You can catch this funnyman in the new 'The Muppets' movie playing Hobo Joe & on HBO's Bored to Death.

source 1/ source 2

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