The beautiful 23-year-old actress opted to keep some of her clothes on for her Esquire photo shoot. In case you missed it, Evan Rachel Wood stared in HBO's hit mini series 'Mildred Pierce' and was absolutley fantastic.
In Esquire's new issue Evan opens up about bisexual dating life, her 9 tattoos (one of which she keeps to herself) and relationships.
"I'm constantly changing, I'm constantly growing. I think I'm a little controversial? ... I just try and keep some mystery, so hopefully people can't really put their finger on it."
According to Esquire, the director of 'Life Before Her Eyes' dared her to shed a single tear out of a single eye as soon as he called "action" and she did it, on cue.
"I was a teenager in Hollywood with a divorced family — there's gonna be pain there," she says. "I've got plenty to draw from."
When asked about her {odd-matched on/off} relationship with rocker
Marilyn Manson she stated:
"I think one of the things that freaked people out so much is that we looked so different."
The young starlet is having some great luck with jobs as she'll be staring in her first adult role alongside hottie George Clooney in 'The Ides of March', which will be released this fall. Moving on to adult roles isn't the only thing that's going on her life either, she'll be moving to New York City as well says...
"I'm up for anything. Meet a nice guy, meet a nice girl..."
When asked straight forward if she dates women she promptly answers "Yes" and follow it up with:
"Yeah, I'm more kind of like the guy when it comes to girls. I'm the dominant one. I'm opening the doors, I'm buying dinner. Yeah, I'm romantic."
In regards to her ninth and secret tattoo...all she'll say is that it's on the inside of her lip.
"No one gets to see it or know what it says."
Want to see all of Evan Rachel Wood's sexy Esquire photos? Click